(NTR | 24 April 2024) AI Stock Analysis & News

Vontobel Holding Ltd. increased its stake in Nutrien Ltd., while analysts give the stock a “Moderate Buy” rating.

Stock AI’s forecasts:
🔴 -6.2% short-term ⬇️
🟢 +1.2% long-term ⬆️

Stock AI’s (NTR) Forecast get (+12.0% Profit)

StockAI’s analysis delivers real-world results. On 02 January 2024, $NTR ($57.53), StockAI predicted a long-term 🔴 sell signal. It was accurate: 1 month later price dropped to $50.65 (🔴-12.0%). Selling NTR on this signal yielded a +12.0% profit 💰💰.

NTR-Nutrien Ltd. News

🟢 Vontobel Holding Ltd. increased its holdings in Nutrien Ltd. stock by 3.5% in the 4th quarter, showing confidence in the company’s potential.
🔴 Two analysts rated Nutrien stock as a sell, which may lead to some investors being cautious about its performance.
🔴 Stock traders bought 9,356 put options on Nutrien stock, indicating a bearish sentiment in the market.
🟢 Nutrien declared a quarterly dividend of $0.54 per share, providing a potential income opportunity for investors.
🔴 180 Wealth Advisors LLC reduced its stake in Nutrien stock by 11.4%, possibly signaling concerns about the company’s future.
🔴 Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. cut its position in Nutrien stock by 50.9%, reflecting a lack of confidence in its growth prospects.

Nutrien Ltd. stock has recently seen a mix of positive and negative news that have influenced investor sentiment and expectations for its future performance. The increase in holdings by Vontobel Holding Ltd. and the declaration of a quarterly dividend have provided some support for the stock price. However, the ratings from analysts, increased put options trading, and reductions in stakes by institutional investors have raised concerns about the company’s outlook.

Overall, these factors may lead to increased volatility in Nutrien stock as investors weigh the potential risks and rewards. It will be important to monitor any further developments and news that could impact the stock price in the short and long term.

NTR-Nutrien Ltd. Analyst Ratings

📈 Jefferies starts coverage on Nutrien stock with a “buy” rating and a $62 price target.

📉 Two analysts have rated Nutrien stock with a sell recommendation.

📉 Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. cut its position in Nutrien stock by 50.9% in the fourth quarter.

1. ETF Daily News – Jefferies starts Nutrien stock coverage with buy, sets $62 price target
2. ETF Daily News – Analysts set Nutrien Ltd. (NYS:NTR) price target at $69.43
3. ETF Daily News – Investors buy high volume of Nutrien put options
4. ETF Daily News – Nutrien Ltd. position reduced by Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc.
5. Investing.com – Jefferies starts Nutrien stock coverage with buy, sets $62 price target


Investors may consider the AI predictions and news summaries as one factor in their investment decisions alongside their own research and risk tolerance.

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